Advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) have been raising concerns, with figures like Elon Musk warning about its potential impact on job markets. During a recent AI Safety Summit in London, Musk highlighted to Prime Minister Rishi Sunak the looming possibility of AI rendering jobs obsolete. This concern seems to be materializing, as a Spanish influencer agency has developed an AI model named Aitana Lopez, fashioned after a 25-year-old woman with pink hair, boasting a following of 122,000 on Instagram.


Euronews reported that Aitana even receives private messages from celebrities, with the agency The Clueless utilizing her for collaborations with brands.

Ruben Cruz, the agency's designer, explained, "We noticed several projects getting delayed or scrapped due to issues caused by the influencers or models rather than design problems."

According to Cruz, the virtual influencer Aitana can earn up to 10,000 euros monthly, though the average is around 3,000 euros.

"We created this to secure a better income and not rely on individuals with egos, quirks, or solely profit-driven motives," Cruz added.

Aitana has become the face of Big, a sports supplement company, and also shares content on Fanvue, a platform akin to OnlyFans.

Cruz recounted an incident where a prominent Latin American actor asked Aitana out, completely unaware of her non-existence.

The team behind Aitana convenes weekly to orchestrate her virtual life, deciding her activities, places she'll visit, and images to post. There are no physical photoshoots or wardrobe changes; it's a fusion of AI and design principles executed using Photoshop.

Aitana's success has spurred the creation of another virtual model named Maia, described as "a little more reserved." Both names intentionally contain the acronym for artificial intelligence (AI).

The saga of Aitana and Maia underscores the evolving intersection of technology, creativity, and the influencer landscape, reshaping how brands engage with audiences through AI-generated personas.