The age-old fear of snakes, deeply rooted in human evolution, is a sentiment that sends shivers down the spine of many. The slithering motion of these creatures triggers an instinctual response, heightening anxiety in those who suffer from ophidiophobia. This fear often finds its origins in cultural myths, folklore, and media portrayals, which cast snakes as symbols of danger.


However, a recent Instagram post is challenging these perceptions, as it captures a fearless individual handling a snake with bare hands. The video showcases the man assisting the snake in shedding its skin, a process likened to unwrapping a Christmas gift in the caption.

The post, which has garnered over 1.6 million views, features the man delicately removing the dead skin from the snake's eyes and assisting it in shedding the entire layer. The video takes a surprising turn when the man, with apparent ease, kisses the reptile on its head before commencing the shedding process. The snake, in turn, wriggles out of the man's hands at one point, leaving viewers in awe.

The caption's playful comparison of skin shedding to opening Christmas presents has sparked a variety of reactions among Instagram users. Some have expressed their discomfort, questioning the safety of interacting with wild animals.

"Why do I feel people that play with wild animals will one day lose their life to that same wild animal? It's called wild for a reason and shouldn't be treated like a domestic animal," commented one user.

"Are you sure it's not too early to do this, I mean it might hurt if it's not time yet," said another, reflecting concerns about the timing of the shedding process.

Nevertheless, others applauded the man's unique gesture, praising him for aiding the snake in shedding its skin, particularly around the eyes.

The video not only showcases the man's fearlessness but also highlights the fascinating phenomenon of snake shedding. Snakes molt, or undergo ecdysis, for various reasons, such as accommodating their growing size, removing parasites, and getting rid of damaged skin. This natural process is crucial for the snake's survival, promoting flexibility, maintaining optimal sensory perception, and ensuring the regeneration of cells.