Snakes, known for their mysterious and enigmatic nature, have become the center of attention in a viral video that has both fascinated and horrified viewers on the internet. The footage captures a little girl, Ariana, peacefully sleeping on a bed with two giant black snakes slithering beside her, creating a spectacle that has ignited a storm of reactions.


A post shared by Ariana (@snakemasterexotics)

The video, shared on Instagram by the account snakemasterexotics, showcases Ariana, an apparent snake enthusiast. The account's bio describes her as an avid snake lover, featuring numerous videos of her interacting with and fondly playing with various types of snakes. In this particular video, the girl appears unfazed as the serpents move around her, turning what might be a nightmare for some into an everyday occurrence for Ariana.

The post has garnered more than 8,000 likes, with netizens expressing a range of reactions. While some viewers pointed out the inherent danger of the act, emphasizing that snakes are not toys to be casually played with, others pleaded with Ariana not to keep such reptiles in a household setting.

Commenters shared their concerns, with one person stating, "Oh no, I can't even think of doing it in my dreams." Another expressed, "So scary," encapsulating the general sentiment of those who found the video both intriguing and unsettling.