In a delightful video shared by @Gabriele_Corno on Twitter, two young boys captivate viewers as they engage in a hilarious interaction with a lemur, amassing over 217,000 views and counting.


The heartwarming clip features the boys diligently scratching the lemur's back. What makes the video truly amusing is the lemur's response – whenever the boys pause, the lemur visibly points to its back, signaling them to resume the delightful back-scratching session. It appears as though the lemur has appointed the boys as its royal back scratchers, demanding their services with a playful insistence.

The video's popularity is soaring, with over 217,000 views and a rapidly growing audience. Observant netizens were quick to draw parallels between the lemur in the video and the iconic character King Julien from the movie Madagascar.

As viewers chuckled at the adorable interaction, speculation arose about what the lemur might be communicating. One user playfully imagined the lemur saying, "Just don’t stop scratching my back, I am enjoying it. Once you are annoyed, then I will probably scratch yours."

Amidst the laughter, a witty observer quipped, "And that’s why he’s a lemur," highlighting the charmingly demanding nature of the animal.

A third user joined the chorus of amusement, declaring, "This is funny and yes very cute."