Indians are often regarded as resourceful beings because whenever there is a shortage of things or something is unavailable, it is us who manage to get things together and make it work. In our very own desi language, it is called 'jugaad'. 


A video has gone viral proving that Indians are indeed the gods of jugaad. When you face the heat of summer, what do you do? Sit under the AC, fan or a cooler right? But what if you do not have access to a cooler or an AC but the heat is killing you? Well, here's the answer.

A man was seen getting irritated by the heat and his fan wasn't giving him enough relief so he decided to turn it into a cooler. He took four logs of wood and attached them to the fan and made a stand out of it, Now the fan can be kept close enough to him and it will help cool the area better. 

Netizens are astonished by how fast the man could turn around a fan into a cooler. Nobody would have been able to think about it. The video is going viral because of his fast thinking and resourcefulness. The 14-second video has garnered quite an audience and is been shared on social media. 

The video was shared by Mahendra Gajbhiye on Twitter. He captioned it, 'Desi Jugaad, salute to those who made it.'