Former pornstar Mia Khalifa did not take it well when a fan of hers from India got her face tattooed on his leg. A tattoo artist from Delhi recently posted a video on Instagram of getting Mia's face tattooed on his leg, as a show of loyalty towards Mia Khalifa.


An Indian artist with an Instagram handle named 'tattoo_artist_01' uploaded the video which is currently going viral on social media. The video shows Mia's original photo on a tablet and then zooms in on the guy wiping foam off his tattoo, revealing Mia's face. 

For the unversed, in the tattoo, Mia also sports the famous glasses in the tattoo that she auctioned off last year after the Beirut explosion. Her glasses earned a bid of $100,000 ( Rs 73 lakhs) which Mia then signed off to charity. 

Watch the viral video here.

While many praised the tattoo, Mia herself shared the video on her Instagram stories and termed it as 'terrible'. Mia wrote, "Please say sike… This is… terrible." However, the tattoo artist didn't mind Mia's negative reaction and replied to her saying, "Thank you so much @miakhalifa and insta friends for (4 millions) views."

Notably, a similar incident had taken place in 2017 when a fan of Mia named Alexander Skate from Portugal got the former porn star's face tattooed. At the time, Mia had slammed her fan for the same. 

Mia Khalifa had written, "STOP GETTING TATTOOS OF ME. This is not by any means flattering, it is OUTRIGHT CREEPY."