In the heartwarming realm of animals participating in human activities, a recent Reddit clip has captured the internet's affection. The video, showcasing an elephant taking a swing at cricket, has quickly become a viral sensation, spreading joy far and wide.


The footage, reportedly filmed in Kerala, unveils a gentle giant standing beside a cricket field, wielding a bat with its trunk. As a man delivers a bowl, the elephant gracefully connects, showcasing surprising skill and coordination.

Elephant playing cricket in keralabyu/PRANAVVP94 inKerala

Since its upload, the video has garnered over 6,100 upvotes, sparking a flood of comments from delighted viewers.

Among the reactions, Reddit users couldn't help but inject humor into the mix. "He can save Royal Challengers Bengaluru (RCB)," quipped one user, poking fun at the performance of the IPL team.

Another praised the elephant's technique, remarking on its "excellent trunk-eye coordination."

Adding to the amusement, one commenter noted the elephant's unique positioning, joking, "Only batsmen in the world who can stand behind the stump and in front of the crease at the same time."

The video even inspired some creative suggestions, with one user proposing the inception of an "Elephant Premier League."

Across the board, comments echoed a sentiment of awe and joy. "This is so awesome," expressed one user, encapsulating the collective sentiment sparked by the adorable clip.