Nike's latest shoe called the 'GO Flyease' is a game changer for sneakerheads as it is the first ever completely hands-free and lace-less shoe.


The prime feature of this shoe is that it includes a tension band that secures the shoe in the place of laces. So, they can easily be put on and taken off without using your hands. Now isnt that great?

The Nike Zoom embedded in the heel of the shoe offers supreme comfort. The shoe, which resembles a slip-on also has a bi-stable hinge, which makes getting in and out of it not only effortless but also hassle-free.

American Paralympic athlete and member of Nike’s FlyEase innovations team, Sarah Reinersten said that they wanted to create something 'new' and 'different'. "If we could create something you didn’t need hands to get in and out of, it could help unlock those benefits for all," she stated at the launch event of the shoe.

The shoes go on sale February 15 for Rs. 8758 (USD 120) in limited quantities for subscribers of the free membership program on Nike's website which also pushes their 'direct to consumer' approach. However, a broader availability is planned for later this year.

This is the latest addition in Nike's Flyease Design series, which was launched in 2015 to aid people with disabilities get in and out of their shoes comfortably.