Viral video: In today's world, the food business is doing everything possible to create recipes that will go viral and garner notice on the internet. Chefs have experimented with everything from cocoa pizza to ketchup ice cream. 


One such addition that has gotten the internet buzzing is an intriguing biryani served with a magic act. Well, a food vlogger's Instagram reel went viral after it claimed to demonstrate "illusion biryani." Many users were taken aback by the apparently magical way of presenting biryani when they first saw it. However, after watching it a second time, some internet users realised what had occurred. Watch the footage here:

A food server is seen in the video adding rice, spices such as bay leaves, cardamom, cinnamon, fried onions, and an egg to a jar. The server reveals an apparently ready-to-eat biryani after sealing the jar, shaking it briefly, and flipping it over onto a plate! The'surprising' dish was given at Farzi Cafe in Connaught Place, Delhi, according to the caption. 

So far, the reel has garnered 1.5 million views. Some users were offended by the dish's presentation and claimed that it could not be termed biryani. Here are some of the reactions:

"All the Hyderabadis use me as a dislike button," one user quipped. "Missed opportunity to call it khayali pulao," another user said.