In a heart-stopping video that has swept across social media, an Instagram user named Mike Holston has managed to stir both awe and concern among netizens with his fearless attempt to interact with a massive crocodile. The video, which has garnered nearly 45,000 likes, captures the intense moment when the man boldly reaches for the crocodile's tail, narrowly escaping a potentially deadly encounter.


The footage begins with an undeterred man cautiously approaching the formidable reptile. With an air of confidence that belies the inherent danger, he extends his hand towards the crocodile's massive tail from behind. The crocodile, known for its fearsome reputation and deadly nature, reacts swiftly, attempting to lash out at the daring intruder. Miraculously, the man evades the perilous strike, leaving viewers both shocked and captivated by the audacity of the encounter.

Social media users, however, were quick to express their dismay and disapproval of the man's risky stunt. The comments section of the Instagram post flooded with a mix of incredulity and anger, with many emphasizing the inherent danger of such reckless behavior. One user minced no words, stating, "You're a fool! It is so dangerous." Another chimed in with a hypothetical scenario, cautioning, "Imagine if that reptile attacked you." The consensus among commenters was clear – the man's actions were not only foolhardy but also posed a serious threat to his safety.

Amid the criticism, some spectators couldn't help but express amazement at the rarity of the encounter. A user remarked, "You don't see that every day, so awesome," highlighting the extraordinary nature of the interaction.