Harry Potter star Matthew Lewis reunited with his franchise co-star Zoe Wanamaker for a new UK TV show called Girlfriends.


The reunion can also be called Neville Longbottom meeting Madam Hooch. But that is not the reason why Twitter went gaga over the show.

It was in the first few minutes of the premiere episode of the show that Lewis appeared on the screen wearing nothing but boxers.

That's right, Matthew Lewis Longbottomed, yet again! 

For the uninitiated, the term 'Longbottoming' emerged when after the awkward puberty years, Lewis posted some smashing images of himself in a daring photoshoot for Attitude Magazine in 2015. He was a transformed man, no longer a geek. Surprising transformations like this are dubbed as Longbottoming in Urban Dictionary.

Wanamaker plays Gail in the new series and Lewis plays her troubled son Tom, who is fresh out of prison.

The series isn't available in India yet, but the trailer for premiere episode has some good shots of Lewis with and without a shirt.

When the show aired in the UK and internationally, Twitter started swooning once again.