HBO on Tuesday finally revealed the title for the Game of Thrones Season 7 finale, as well as confirming that the episode would clock 79 minutes, 43 seconds.


The Season 7 finale is titled "The Dragon and the Wolf," which presents a lot of intriguing possibilities about Daenerys Targaryen and Jon Snow, who grew closer than ever in the penultimate episode of the season.

Episode 6 saw Jon finally pledging his allegiance to Daenerys, whom he called Dany and then ‘my queen’, after the Mother of Dragons lost one of her ‘children’ during a mission to rescue Jon and his team that went beyond the wall to pick up a wight to prove to Dany that there was indeed an army of the dead.

The teaser trailer for "The Dragon and the Wolf" previews the long-awaited meeting between Team Dany and Team Cersei, with just about all your favourite characters on hand for the showdown

Game of Thrones fans know that episode titles often contain double-meanings, alluding to events that aren't teased by the show's promotional materials — so it's possible that the title could also apply to Jon Snow's parents, Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark — the OG dragon/wolf pairing.