It’s the kind of sequence you’re most likely to see in a big-budget action movie, but watching not one but two daredevils flying jetpacks beside the world’s largest passenger aircraft is something you're not likely to behold in real life.


But happen it did, when Emirates recently collaborated with an appropriately named company called Jetman Dubai to create one of the most awe-inspiring stunts ever pulled off in the skies. Jetman Dubai consists of Yves Rossy and Vince Reffet, two of the most experienced Jetpack pilots (not that are too many of them around, I’ll reckon.) The aim was to shoot an aerial stunt sequence above Dubai’s imposing skyline, consisting of the iconic Palm Jumeirah and Jumeirah’s Burj Al Arab hotel.

For starters, flying a jetpack is itself a highly trained art, then flying it flying in tandem--and in close proximity--to an Airbus A380 requires serious skill, not to mention other-worldly guts.

Given the number of clearances pulling off a stunt like this would warrant, it’s unlikely seeing something like this being duplicated in many other parts of the world and in a comparable setting. But while we wait for that record to be broken, get an eyeful of this spectacle here.