Valve's Dota 2 is a game with an insanely large fan following, rivalled on the MOBA scene only by Riot's League of Legends. It's also a popular spectator sport, as obvious from the crowds that gather in the stadiums where championship matches are hosted. And spectating Dota 2 at home is about to get a whole lot better.Valve recently released a set of promotional videos for the SteamVR, one of which teased the ability to spectate Dota 2 matches in virtual reality. The video shows a user ostensibly watching a championship match, complete with live commentary, on a virtual screen in front of him. What makes it even cooler, however, is that it also features life-size animated versions of the hero avatars of both teams to the right and left of the screen, as well as an interactive 3D map and infographics in front of him. 


Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like the VR spectating mode puts you into the action, instead only allowing the pre-existing top-down free-control camera. However, if this is an accurate representation of what's to come, it's still quite an interesting formula, and very similar to what Microsoft has, for a while now, been teasing for spectating sports like NFL games with the HoloLens.Sadly, there's no mention of a possible release date for the VR spectating support, so the best we can do is cross our fingers and hope for awesomeness.