Twitter CEO Dick Costolo finally offers an explanation for the random tweets on users' timeline, saying that the changes would be more of a final resort, which means that random tweets would appear only when users don't have any new tweet to load.The company's decision has angered some users, but Costolo's tweet may indicate that Twitter's new strategy. However, this doesn't change the fact that people use favorites for lots of different reasons, and not all of these reasons mean that a stranger would find the favorite tweet very interesting, The Verge reported.Twitter's methodology for choosing when to show favorites will most impact users who don't follow many accounts, the users Twitter is trying hardest to impress.The company seems to be hoping that, by splicing in content from around the Twittersphere when there isn't anything else to show, users will be motivated to follow new accounts they might not have otherwise found, report said.Twitter currently has a Discover tab which shows these same kinds of tweets, but it's not clear how many people frequently use that feature.