Sometimes when you’re spending time on Tinder, be it legitimately looking for a date or just passing judgement on strangers, it’s possible to come across a profile of a Facebook friend. But did you ever want to specifically find your Facebook buddies on Tinder?If you did, of course, there’s an app for that.FriendSwipe has you log in, and then scans your Facebook account for any connections who are also on Tinder. It then presents you with a list (if any), and tapping on a name brings up their Tinder profile, offering you the chance to swipe left or right. One hitch is that the names presented to you are of both genders; all your Facebook friends on Tinder show up. How exactly does FriendSwipe manage that? By trawling through Tinder’s database of users of course.Obviously, using the dating app’s database in such fashion is strictly against their Terms of Service agreement, so FriendSwipe could disappear from the App Store any day now. In the meantime, it serves as a way to find out which of your Facebook connections is on Tinder, some of whom may not like having that detail known.
Is that right? Definitely not. Are some people going to use it anyway? You can imagine so.