Scientists from the Russian Academy of Science are training four rhesus macaques to travel to Mars by May 2017. This training, which includes using a joystick and solving puzzles, should make them capable to man a mission within the next two years.


The macaques are being trained for three hours a day on how to control a joystick to target a highlighted cursor. The training will eventually involve solving mathematical tasks and puzzles. The macaques would be able to complete a daily schedule of tasks without any supervision by the end of their training. When the monkeys complete the tasks successfully they are rewarded with a sip of juice.

Training is held every day at the Institute of Biomedical Problems in Moscow.

Macaques have a life-span of around 25 years, which is hoped to be long enough to train them properly and for them to survive the six-month trip to Mars. The scientists even hope the monkeys themselves could teach others macaques the skills needed to fly the mission. 

The special group of rhesus macaques were chosen for their cognitive abilities and their quick learning abilities.

Animals have helped man learn the effects of space travel and reach the moon, but some previously sent space monkeys, like Albert I, died during their missions. 

Members of the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) pointed out that space missions have already been proved difficult for humans, which makes it even more so for the animals that don't have a clue of what they're really doing.

The monkeys are expected to be strapped up for Mars in 2017, although it is unclear if the monkeys will be brought back.