According to TechCrunch, Opera says the new design of Opera Mini is much like its regular Opera mobile browser, and is meant to give the browser a more native look and feel. Opera Mini features an always-on data saving mode that compresses data very aggressively, uoto 88 percent. Opera's proxies strips out some design elements and web fonts to save bandwidth, so sites will look a little bit sparser than usual. Opera only offers its Mini browser and the Coast browser on Apple's iOS platform, but not its standard Opera browser. Also, a redesigned Speed Dial is available in the new Android version which provides support for private browsing and the ability to customize the browser's layout.Now the Opera Mini has Opera's Discover feed, which highlights popular stories around the web. Lars Boilesen, Opera CEO said that he aims to bring Opera's to 275 million users on Android by 2017, up from about 130 million.