Talking at the keynote address of the much talked about World Mobile Congress, the founder of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg answered questions related to the infamous internet NSA spying scandal that saw the US violate privacy laws of a number of technology giants for user data.


In a rather candour moment, Zuckerberg, termed the ordeal as “not awesome”, while elaborating to add, “The US government blew its trust and went over the line.”

However, he was quick to point that these revelations have now led to more transparency. “As a result of NSA revelations, the Internet industry is a lot more aligned,” he said. “No one company can change the way the internet works by itself,” he added.

Also talking about Facebook's latest acquisition of WhatsApp, he explained, “WhatsApp is a great fit for us. It is most engaging app we have ever seen on mobiles. It has value in its sheer reach, not just what money it's making.”

He also assured the audiences that there would be little change to worry about as a result of this deal. “Data from Whatsapp treatment is not going to change. It will continue to work autonomously,” he informed.