There's simply no established scientific connection between the concept of superstorms - and weather in general - and the Earth's magnetic fields, say experts.Some worriers say that these tubocharged tsunamis will soon be widespread, thanks to the increased movement of the Earth's magnetic field, reports Fox News.Bit Carol Raymond, principal scientist and a geophysicist with NASA's Jet Propulsion Lab, which operates a fleet of satellites that closely monitor the planet and leads the charge in Earth Science research, said, "Trying to link all of these things together is kind of preposterous."The website for Canada's national earth science arm also draws no conclusions whatsoever between the fields and the weather. Nor does Russia's magnetic pole watchers at the Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics in frosty Siberia.In fact, there's simply no established scientific connection between the concept of superstorms-and weather in general-and the Earth's magnetic fields, said scientists. The beautiful and ghostly phenomenon seen in Northern climates is in fact connected to the magnetic fields, explained Raymond, adding yet another cosmic phenomenon to the mixing pot: She said that the sun's particles, carried by the solar wind pouring off the sun, are closely linked to the earth's magnetic field."The earth's magnetic field is the mediator of those particles-it's basically a shield protecting the Earth from the solar wind, the source of these particles." And that interaction causes events such as the aurora borealis- an ionospheric event, in the outer atmosphere, she's quick to point out, not something that happens in the inner atmosphere, where our weather occurs."There's been research over the past few decades trying to isolate a clear cause and effect relationship between charged particles entering the Earth's atmosphere and the weather," said Raymond.But nothing has been proven.The Geological Survey of Canada, which conducts out periodic surveys to monitor magnetic north, said it is slowly drifting across the Canadian Arctic.