An international team of researchers has just unveiled the most holistic “three-dimensional” map of the universe, which, scientists believe, could uncover some secrets about dark energy, the mighty force that is regarded to be triggering the universe to expand uncontrollably.


The researchers, including an Indian team led by Shadab Alam at the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research in Mumbai, have published their research from the first year of observations by the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument, or DESI, a marvellous equipment that can capture light from 5,000 galaxies.

Universe DESI is a union of more than 900 researchers in institutions across the world. (DESI)

Through DESI, which is mounted over the Mayall 4-Meter Telescope in Arizona, United States, researchers have been able to collect light from six million galaxies — some of which were present around 11 billion years ago.

“The key thing is that we have been able to measure the distances between these galaxies with a very high degree of accuracy. That is why we call it a three-dimensional map. Otherwise, we have a catalogue of tens of billions of objects in the universe. We have identified these objects, but for most of them we don’t know how far they are from us. Knowing the precise distances of the galaxies is crucial because that allows us to calculate the expansion rate of the universe,” the researcher stated in an interview with The Indian Express.

Now scientists believe that could provide first insights into the secrets of dark energy that is regarded to make up almost 70 per cent of the universe but is unknown. The DESI collaboration has so far discovered that the expansion rate of the universe was rising by 68.5 km per second after every 3.26 million light-years of distance.

Comprehending the nature of dark energy is one of the vital problems in science as it can offer a vital perspective into the origin and evolution of the universe and its eventual fate.