Google has launched its Person Finder service to help track missing people following the massive earthquake measuring 7.9 magnitude which hit Nepal on Saturday, killing over 900.


People can use the Person Finder service in two ways - to look for a missing person or to provide information about a missing person. The Person Finder website allows anyone to list a person missing and to search the database for names. 

All this has been enabled using a very simple interface. If you have any information about someone, go to the box on the right and enter the details. And if you are looking for someone, go to the left box, enter the person's name or parts of the name to know the status about him. You can also create a new record for the missing person.

All data entered are available to the public and viewable and usable by anyone. However, Google does not verify the accuracy of this data.

Google Person Finder is a web application that allows individuals to post and search for the status of relatives or friends affected by a disaster, said Google in a blog post.

The tool was built by Google engineers in response to the January 2010 earthquake in Haiti. It was also active during the 2010 Pakistan and Brazil floods. It had helped people track the missing during the Uttarakhand floods of 2013, after a 8.9-magnitude earthquake that triggered a huge tsunami in Japan in 2011, and during the Bostom Marathon bombings.

Google Person Finder can also accept data from other similar registries and display them together at one place.