A hacker claiming to be exacting revenge for India’s recent surgical strikes against terror launch pads across the LoC has breached the National Green Tribunal website.Identifying himself as D4RK 4NG31 (aka Dark Angel) the hacker posted a message on the website reading:“We are unbeatable #OpIndia. You mo**** fu***** kill innocent people in kashmir and call your self defenders or (sic) your country. You little bi***** violate the cease fire on border and call it "Surgical Strikes" Now kiss the burn of Cyber War.” In addition, the page plays an electric guitar cover of the Pakistan National Anthem in the background.What’s important to note is that #OpIndia is a Pakistani cyber warfare movement that’s been in motion for over a year now, similar to its Indian counterpart #OpPak.There’s so far been no reaction by government officials to the hack, and it’s currently unclear whether the NGT website was the only target.