Why Mumbai? 


WordCamp is an informal conference of WordPress (a popular open-source software that allows users to create websites) users, bloggers, developers, designers. A previous WordCamp was held in 2012 in Mumbai by another set of organizers. We thought at that time that the local WordPress community was not really organized or connected well enough.

We started WPHub.in to help bring together the local WordPress community in India. The idea was to get WordPress professionals connected. 

WPHub.in wants to encourage and connect WordPress professionals in Mumbai and India.

This laid the foundation and the need to have another WordCamp in Mumbai. Hopefully WordCampMumbai will be a yearly event.

The organizers of WPHub.in are from Mumbai - so organizing a WordCamp in Mumbai was an obvious choice.

Who should attend Wordcamp Mumbai?

WordCamps are held across many cities over the year - to build a local community. As WordPress is open-source it does not have just a single company contributing to it. 

Bloggers, developers, designers or simply anyone interested in WordPress should attend WordCamp as it helps them connect with the local community of WordPress users and ideas on how WordPress is used by different people.

Tell us something about how the event was planned and who are the organisers...

As mentioned earlier - we arranged monthly meetups to build interest in WordCamp and basically get to know more WordPress professionals and users. We applied to organise WordCamp over 6 months ago and got approval from the WordCamp Foundation. The event is planned on a non-profit basis and everyone from speakers to organizers contribute their time and efforts free.

The lead organizers are Alexander Gounder and Aditya Kane (me). Using WPHub.in to organize meetups is something both of us have been doing regularly for over a year now. -- Alexander runs a Digital Agency called Ink My Web. He has been using WordPress for over 7 years now.  -- Aditya is editor / tech blogger with rtCamp - a company that develops websites and web products using WordPress for over 5 years.

Both organizers have regular WordPress meetups in Mumbai every month. We have a few more organizers who have also contributed with planning of the event. Check the link for the entire list.


Can noobs attend the event?

Yes. Absolutely. We encourage noobs to attend this event. If you check the Schedule - the first day has a lot of good sessions for noobs. WordCamps are not just to encourage developers or programmers but basically anyone using WordPress. This could even be someone who uses it as a blogging tool.

WordCamps are ideal for noobs to meet experts face to face who are willing to help out.

Schedule: http://2014.mumbai.wordcamp.org/schedule/

Is the first Wordcamp in India? When is the next one?

The first WordCamp in India was held in 2009, in Delhi. There have been WordCamps in Baroda, Pune, Jabalpur and Cuttack. This year's WordCamp will be the second one in Mumbai - (WordCamp Mumbai 2012 did not have us as organizers - we were only attendees then).

The best way to check out when the next WordCamp takes place in India and be updated about them is to check out http://central.wordcamp.org/ which lists all WordCamp taking place and being planned from around the world.