Mark Zuckerberg is conducting the first ever Facebook Live Q&A with users next week.The Facebook CEO announced in a post on the social network that he will hold the session on June 14 at 11:30am PT (June 15 at 12:00am IST), to interact with users. Zuckerberg holds Townhall Q&A’s relatively often, during his travels around the world, but this will be the first time the event will be conducted through an online livestream as well.Aside from addressing issues and upcoming developments for the platform, Zuckerberg generally allots time at each of these events to answer questions from users. Those of you that would like to pose a question of your own, visit Zuckerberg’s post here and post your query.  The questions with the most likes will be replied to during the livestream, so make sure to vote for your favourites as well.Ever since it’s introduction, the Facebook team has been pushing hard for Live to take off,as evidenced by the livestream event in partnership with NASA last week. Where Zuckerberg interacted with astronauts on board the International Space Station. However, Live events haven’t always gone off as smoothly as that one. The most famous screw up occurred during a Buzzfeed interview with US President Barack Obama, accidentally cutting off the feed before the man even entered the room.