Facebook has announced the death of the overused acronym darling 'LOL'.


In an extensive check done by the social media giant, 'haha' and 'hehe', in all their variations, have replaced the 'laugh out loud', reports The Independent.

Facebook categorised the posts by their users into 4 categories - 'haha', 'hehe', 'LOL', and emojis. The site found out that 51.4% of people use 'haha' to express their laughter, 33.7% use 'emoji', 13.1% use 'hehe' and mere 1.9% use the one time darling 'LOL'.

(Graph via Facebook)

The study further reveals that younger generations are more inclined to use the emojis instead of typing out their feelings. Hence indicating that emojis will soon takeover as the lingua franca of messaging. A gender comparison shows that the 'haha' and to some extent the 'hehe' are preferred by men, whereas emoji are clearly dominated by women, who also seem to like the 'LOL' more than men.

(Graph via Facebook)

So we'd suggest you leave the LOL station and get on board the emoji train!