Lego is finally making the dreams of little boys everywhere come true. The company is working on a video game series that will interact with its real world toys.Lego Dimensions will be an action game, keeping to the series' light-hearted roots, that will incorporate Lego's various franchise toys. This won't be the first attempt at the genre, Activision's Skylanders were the first to break into the market, making a huge splash and raking in the profits. Soon to follow were Disney's Infinity and Nintendo's Amiibo. But the key advantage Lego holds here is the ability to feature all it's toys based off already popular movie franchises, including the titular Lego MovieThe starter pack for Lego Dimensions will contain Batman, Gandalf and Lego Movie's Wyldstyle, as well as a miniature Batmobile, and a portal. The portal, which you will have to assemble, will work as the integration platform to send your toys into the game. And expansions packs to come will allow for  even more characters and universes to collide; Back to the Future, The Wizard of Oz, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Harry Potter and Jurassic Park will all make appearances. Dimensions is being developed by Traveller's Tales, the studio behind the popular Lego video game series from the past few years. Lego Dimensions is expected to release for the PS4, PS3, Xbox One, Xbox 360, and WiiU on September 27. Sadly, no PC port for this yet, but we can hope can't we?