The Oculus Rift is touted to be the coolest thing in the market right now. It is a gaming experience that detaches you from reality and takes you into a whole new virtual world of games. It is an upcoming virtual reality head-mounted display, being developed by Oculus VR. 


What is the Oculus Rift all about?There are more a couple of things that sets this apart form anything else in the market; Rift offers more than 90 degrees horizontal (110 degrees diagonal) field of view and is the primary strength of the device. The resolution is 1280×800 (16:10 aspect ratio), which leads to an effective resolution of 640×800 per eye. The weight of the headset is approximately 379 g (13.4 oz). Games currently with full or partial support include Left 4 Dead, Skyrim, Portal 2, Half Life 2, and Bioshock. "It is a device which will revolutionize the gaming arena," said Puneet Wagh, a gaming enthusiast. 

So, is India ready for it?The answer unfortunately is : Not just yet. 

India does not have the super fast internet speed that Oculus Rift needs. Slow speeds will make it lag and that can be horrible while playing virtual reality games. Considering India's economic demographic, the number of people who will be able to afford such an expensive product too is extremely low. Additionally, India is also not even considered in the top 40 markets for games or gaming consoles by market experts. Out of 80 million sets of a popular gaming console sold all over the world, India bought only about 95,000 so it will be difficult to get Oculus in India for a long time. Technology and infrastructure to operate such a powerful device is not yet common place in India. "It still has a long way to go when it comes to gaming, but it can be used effectively for surgeries and in the army," said Shivang Joshi, a graphic designer. So unless, India gets faster internet speed and steps up in its gaming marketing strategies, we might just have to wait a wee bit longer for the Oculus Rift experience.