Instagram Reels may soon be 10 minutes long as the Meta-owned platform is aiming to take on Google-owned YouTube. As noticed by The Verge, mobile developer and leaker Alessandro Paluzzi has shared screenshots of two side-by-side Reels pages on Twitter, one to record for three minutes and another to record for 10 minutes. "#Instagram is working on the ability to create #Reels up to 10 minutes long," he wrote in the caption.


However, Meta has not confirmed plans to extend Reels yet, the report said. By increasing Reels' length to 10 minutes, it moves closer to YouTube videos, but not as far as short-term video rival TikTok, which already offers more time to record videos.

TikTok offers up to 10 minutes of longer video content for free users with an additional paid tier for up to 20 minutes, allowing fans to watch more content from their favourite creators. Meanwhile, Instagram is testing a new group mention feature that will allow users to tag more than one person in a story using a single mention.

In a post on his broadcast channel, Instagram head Adam Mosseri said: "We're testing a way to tag a group of people in a story using a single mention. Once you create a group mention, it can be reused by anyone in the group to automatically tag everyone in any new stories".

This feature will be helpful, as tagging multiple people in one mention will make stories cleaner and less cluttered, providing a better viewing experience for followers. (with inputs from IANS)