HTC might be the first smartphone-maker to introduce the “world's first native blockchain phone” called the HTC Exodus.


The company says, “Our vision is to expand the blockchain ecosystem by creating the world’s first phone dedicated to decentralized applications and security. With the release of the HTC Exodus we can now make this a reality.”

According the page posted online, the smartphone will include a “universal wallet” that will support cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dfinity, and Lightning Networks Plus. The company is also working with multiple protocols with the intent of interoperability between blockchains.

HTC’s creator of virtual reality headset Vive, Phil Chen says, “Through Exodus, we are excited to be supporting underlying protocols such as Bitcoin, Lightning Networks, Ethereum, Dfinity, and more. We would like to support the entire blockchain ecosystem, and in the next few months we'll be announcing many more exciting partnerships together.” At the moment, there is no information provided about price or expected release date for the new device.

HTC has now announced a $1,099 Vive Pro Starter Kit and an accompanying April 5 release date for those new to its VR arena. In addition to the Vive Pro headset, the Starter Kit includes a pair of Vive 1.0 room-scale base stations and a pair of handheld Vive 1.0 controllers

(The 1.0 designation is significant, as HTC plans to unveil Vive 2.0 accessories in due course.) Purchased separately, the set would cost $220 more -- though the official Vive website is currently out of stock where the base station and controller 1.0 specification is concerned. Existing owners of the standard Vive headset are being offered a $100 voucher to the Viveport online store should they upgrade.