Google has announced a new company Calico, short for California Life Company that aims to solve heath problems facing humanity like illness, ageing and ultimately death.


Calico will be headed by Arthur D Levinson, chairman and former CEO of Genentech and the chairman of Apple.

The search giant’s CEO Larry Page said that they have aimed at investing in a more long-term research and development heath project adding that the company will seek to solve problems that affects everybody, Fox News reports.

Time magazine did a cover story on the project titled ‘Google vs. Death’ and writers Harry Mc Cracken and Lev Grossman wrote that no other company in Silicon Valley could plausibly make such an announcement like Google did.

They further wrote that Google has founded a company that might one day defeat death itself.

The report added Page saying that illness and aging affects all families. With some longer term, moonshot thinking around healthcare and biotechnology, he believes they can improve millions of lives.