Google, it seems, has the eye of Sauron upon it. About 10:30 am IST, all of the monolith's services went offline, including Gmail and the all important Google search engine. 


Since then, services have been restored one at a time. Google search and Gmail were resurrected around 11:20 am. while Google Drive and Gmail Chat only made their way back around 11:42 am. Panic was rampant on Twitter, as more and more people discovered they couldn't log on, but it seems to be settling down now. 

So why was #GoogleDown? Well according to Digital Attack Map, ironically also a Google property, points to a possible DDoS attack on Google's servers. A Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack is when a malicious group uses multiple systems to bombard a server with unnecessary traffic, in an attempt to make it crash.

No credit taken by any hacker group and no comment yet from Google, as of this time.