The idea behind Google+ profiles was to give users a single identity across all Googles platforms.


According to the TechCrunch, Bradley Horowitz, Google VP of Streams, Photos and Sharing said that the users did not like this and the company is starting to wean itself off from Google+. Horowitz said in a blog post that people have told them that accessing all of their Google stuff with one account makes life a whole lot easier, but they have also heard that it does not make sense for their Google+ profile to be their identity in all the other Google products they use. Youtube will be the first service that will be decoupled from Google+.

Over the next few months, the users will not need a Google+ account to share YouTube videos or comment. The users who have linked their Google+ accounts to YouTube will also be able to remove their Google+ profiles from the service. Horowitz also announced that the company will continue to move some features out of Google+.

According to Horowitz the Google+ will continue becoming a place where people engage around their shared interests, with the content and people who inspire them. That means Google will focus on features like Google+ Collections and move location-sharing to tools like Hangouts.