Social media giant Facebook has said that it will not tolerate cyber bullying following thousands of reports on harassment and disturbing pages on social media sites.


Facebook has launched a campaign called Be Bold Stop Bullying last year under which more than 3000 Australians have signed an online stop bullying pledge, reports.

According to Facebook Australia's head of policy and communications Mia Garlick, the company is constantly taking responsibility for disturbing content on its site, adding that the safety of the site’s users is a top priority for the company.

Stating that users can report harassment and offensive pages on the site, Garlick said that the company is trying to create an environment that can lead to an anti-bullying culture through the campaign.

However, Garlick further said that the government, industry and the community must also do its part in order to stop the tentacles of cyber bullying spreading into the society.

In an incident of online harassment, Australian TV host Charlotte Dawson was hospitalised last year after she was attacked by Twitter users for naming and shaming a user who had told her to hang herself.

In another incident, a Canadian teenager took her own life last year after three years of cyber bullying, including on Facebook, the report added.