Think you know all the ins and outs of Facebook Messenger? Think again. As always,leave it to Reddit to figure out what you didn't even know existed. It turns out Messenger can do more than send chats, pictures and links. Redditors over at the r/chess page of the site have found an easter egg in Messenger that lets you play chessin a chat window; and it's been accessible for at least a month now. Enter a private chat with someone ad type in @fbchess play to pull up a board with that person. Unfortunately, there's no click and drag interface, so you're going to have to play your moves the hard way with algebraic notation. For example, @fbchess Pg4 moves the pawn in G file to the fourth space. It may take some studying before you can play, but honestly, it's a free way to play chess with an app you're always using anyway, so why not give it a shot?