The Electronic Entertainment Expo 2015 (E3) is set to begin today and many companies are already dishing out their goodies, vying to generate the most hype before the con floors open. Bethesda had its own keynote on Monday, with some highly anticipated games to announce, as well as a few surprises. Here are our top five picksDoom is making a huge comeback, and it’s doing it in spectacular fashion. Formerly titled Doom 4 the new game is built on the id Tech 6 engine, supposedly making it look even better than the recently rebooted Wolfenstein. Expect human body parts and hellbeast gore alike to be flying across your screen. Doom will also feature a new multiplayer mode, and a modding tool called SnapMap, which will allow players to build their own maps and game modes for multiplayer across platforms. Doom is coming PC, PS4 and Xbox One in spring 2016.


Dishonored 2 is another huge announcement for Bethesda at E3. Gamers have been expecting a sequel ever since the original steampunk-themed stealth assassination Dishonored became a hit back in 2012. The trailer at E3 doesn’t give us much except both the original protagonist Corvo Attano, and his ward, Emily Kaldwin, will be playable.After following up the smash hit Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim with the increasingly popular Elder Scrolls Online, Bethesda has gone off on a bit of tangent with their next release in the franchise. Elder Scrolls: Legends is apparently a fantasy-themed free-to-play trading card battle game, similar to Blizzard’s already insanely popular Hearthstone. Bethesda has clearly taken note of the latter’s success with the free-to-play model and is looking to cash in with a similar game that uses a revolving cast of Skyrim characters and classes. The game is set in the Skyrim world and will release a little later this year for PC and iPad.

The biggest reveal at Bethesda’s E3 keynote was by far their announcement for Fallout 4. The much awaited sequel in the company’s ridiculously popular open-world RPG franchise has been hyped for at least two years now, with it’s share of hoax announcements to boot. And it’s finally coming back to PC PS4 and Xbox One this year on November 10. The trailer featured, strangely, pre-war sequences, meaning players will get to play before and after the titular fallout destroys most of the world.

And, in a genius move, Bethesda is even launching a special Pip-Boy preorder edition, that ships a real life version of the in-game device. The Pip-Boy is a sleeve wearable in game that lets you check your inventory and look at your quests and maps. The real-life version of the device will let you wear it on your arm, slot your smartphone in there, with the Pip-Boy app installed, and sync to your game, allowing you to glance down at your wrist and upgrade your stats in a great dual-screen experience. As Fallout developer Todd Howard said on stage at the event, "As far as stupid gimmicks go, I chose the best fu***** one."

Bethesda also launched Fallout Shelter, a game for iOS (and releasing for Android soon). It’s a management game, pitting you as an overseer of Fallout 4’s Vault 111, tasking you with building rooms, arranging for food, and having your occupants reproduce and multiply. Fallout Shelter is free-to-play, won’t have paywalls, and will not require an internet connection to play.