In a Mesh network, a series of nodes -- usually routers -- are connected to relay data to other devices. A node can be any device that is capable of sending and receiving data. Every node in the in the mesh network work in conjunction to circulate the data. The system is known as a Network topology defined as an arrangement of the various elements of a computer network.


This type of connection is different from the convention network architecture called hub and spoke network which is used to connect devices such as smartphone, tablets, desktop computer, routers and much more. In this type of network, devices or spokes connect to a single access point known as the hub.

On the other hand, mesh networks are not as clearly defined. A packet of data can travel from node to node -- as long as they are in range of each other -- to reach its destination. 

The advantages of a mesh network is that it is self- healing, meaning that if one or more nodes malfunction or are removed, a mesh network will distribute information through a different channel. It is also self discovering, meaning that if a new node is added, the network will automatically configure the device with the help of an algorithm.