If you ever frequently visited a PC gaming parlour after the millennium chances are Counter-Strike 1.6 was your go to game. Now, the game has been ported to Android devices thanks to the efforts of a single man, Alibek Omarov.


However, if you're expecting the excitement and competitiveness from the PC version, think again. The screen is riddled with about 21 buttons like reload, jump, open shop, shoot, crouch etc, that were all bound to a nifty keyboard and mouse on the PC version.

Even though the oh-so-many functions on a tiny screen may hinder that headshot you've lined up, the game is still every enjoyable thanks to the developer bringing all the bells and whistles of the PC version including online PvP mode.

If you want to check out the mobile version for yourself you will require three things: A Steam account, the APK file, and Xash3D.

How to play Counter-Strike 1.6 on your Android device

1. Install the APK. Install APK with omp postfix if you have multi-core device and noomp if you have a single-core device or have problems with omp version.2. Install the latest Xash3D Android, you can find it here.3. Copy cstrike and valve folders from your Steam CS1.6 installation to xash folder on SDCard.4. Run CS16Client.