Shashwat Pradhan and Mayur More, second year students of College of Engineering Pune (COEP), have developed a brain-teaser game ‘Phase Shift’ on Windows 8 using the leap motion technology. Their game requires both the part of the brain (left and right) to work simultaneously.“It is a dual controller game, played by two characters who switch their positions,” said Mayur, adding that they have used ergonomics in its design. “The game will be launched in the first week of May and I am sure that it would be a hit,” said Shashwat.The duo took the plunge into the world of technology out of sheer passion. What started as their technology blog Decoding (, the young ‘technogeeks’ run ReFOCUS LABS (, a small startup focusing on mobile and web application development.With a motto of ‘fusion of art and technology’, the duo has successfully launched over 30 applications (apps) and games for BlackBerry (10), Android, Windows phone.“We will soon be launching our iOS (Apple’s mobile operating system) and Windows 8 apps as well,” they said. For the duo who generate funds with their apps and games online, technology blog is still close to their heart. “The tech blog was an initiative taken to spread knowledge about various programming languages not only to geeks but also for the layman and transform the world of technology. Our blog has articles majorly focusing on programming languages and technology, gadgets, hacking. It also features various web, Android, programming and hardware projects,” they said.A firm believer that scoring points in exams do not really mean that one understands the subject, but it is a learning process, Mayur said, “Along with our college studies, our search for the practical aspects of technology led to the launch of tech blog and lab.” The duo now has a few more brains working with them on designing, graphics, language, music for their apps, games and web contents. “We received proposals from 150 people and selected five for our projects,” said Shashwat.