Apple has launched an update of Final Cut Pro X, Motion and Compressor with new features for motion graphics and key enhancements to accelerate video editing, packaging and delivery.According to TechCrunch, the improvements are made to support for new camera hardware, as well as additional 3D animation resources and effects features.Final Cut Pro 10.2 has added new tools including 3D title drag-and-drop creation tools with many templates that are easy to use. Templates include their own background and animations where users can edit the material, lighting, edges and other aspects of the 3D titles they create, with changes applied in real-time to the render.Final Cut Pro 10.2 also include support for up to four video scope views at the same time and support for other video formats and GPU-accelerated RED RAW files for speedier trans-coding, rendering and playback.Motion 5.2 offers even more options for 3D titles. The app now lets users create dynamic titles with multiple lights and cameras, as well as multilayered scenes with 3D titles that cast ultra-realistic shadows and reflections on other objects. Motion also included 12 new generator effects, improved key framing and enhanced controls for mask and shape creation.Compressor 4.2 makes it easier than ever to prepare a movie for sale on the iTunes Store and creates Store Package, which users can submit to an iTunes Delivery Partner for sale on the store. Compressor also delivers key performance improvements for encoding tasks, including fast GPU rendering when using Send to Compressor and hardware-accelerated multi-pass H.264 encoding on compatible systems.The app updates are available from Mac App Store, as a free update for existing users and Final Cut Pro 10.2, Motion 5.2 and Compressor 4.2 for US $299.99, US $49.99, and US $49.99 respectively for new users.