This 21st century, we saw the rise of mobile gaming. According to ScaleTech, Back in 2012, mobile gaming comprised 18% of the total global revenue in the gaming industry and thanks to a strong average growth rate of 26.8%, it is projected to dominate the gaming industry by as much as 60%.


Veteran gamers from millennials to boomers are now becoming busy with their jobs. More responsibilities means less time for gaming. This means that adult gamers cannot commit to full time gaming, PC games and console games that needs hours of grinds to finish or to get good at.

With the continuous development of technology, almost everyone has access to smartphones capable of gaming nowadays. Even kids as young as three are now owning their own smartphones.

Mobile gaming has never been as accessible as it is now. Mobile games, as the name implied, can be played anywhere. It can be played while sitting down, lying in bed, even while traveling. Almost all mobile games are also casual, easy to learn, and you can have fun from the start. Each session only lasts for 15 minutes or so. You don’t have to invest too much time if you don’t want to unlike the PC and console gaming counterparts.

But even as casual as mobile games look, mobile gaming has produced lots of quality gaming titles that has even reached the heights of worldwide tournament scenes. Right now, Mobile Legends, PUBG, and Call of Duty: Mobile is dominating the competitive gaming market, and for a good reason: It brings the full gaming experience to mobile.

But it is only the start for mobile gaming, because three big names in the competitive PC gaming scene is coming to mobile this 2021. They are looking to take a share in the big mobile gaming pie with their well-designed, balanced, and good looking games that aim to shape the future of mobile gaming. Let’s take a look at the top three highly anticipated mobile games of 2021:

1. Apex Legends Mobile

One might say that the battle royale genre is already a saturated market or a used concept in mobile due to the massive success of PUBG, Rules of Survival and Call of Duty: Mobile. But Apex Legends Mobile is set to prove that wrong thanks to the same formula that made them successful on PC:

โ— Unparalled mobility

โ— Versatility

โ— Class-based teamwork

Apex Legends in PC is arguably the fastest paced battle royale game and once you played it for a couple of months, the alternatives will just feel too slow. Yes, because of this, it can be daunting for new players but the mobile port will make it easier to adjust to the fast paced game.

Aside from the parkour-like movements that are possible in Apex Legends, the classes, called Legends, are one of the things that made Apex Legends succeed. Each class has a unique set of skills that can be used to gain advantage in the battlefield, furthermore, each class has a unique interaction and combinations with other classes, making games always feel fresh.

2. Valorant Mobile

Valorant is another First Person Shooter game that has been seeing a lot of success with its growing player base. Like Apex Legends, it is a shooter game that has class-based characters, called Agents with unique skillsets. But there is where their similarities end.

Valorant’s main game mode is Search and Destroy, the one we are all familiar with thanks to Counter-Strike. But if you are not familiar with it, it is a round based where one team plays as an attacker and the other plays as the defender. The attackers win when they successfully detonate the bomb, called Spike or kill all of the enemy team and the defenders win when they defuse the bomb or kill all of the attackers.

Valorant boasts the competitive gameplay of CS:GO with the added touch of the unique skillsets of each agents. It is surely looking to be a promising addition to the mobile gaming market.

3. League of Legends: Wild Rift

In another genre, Wild Rift is slowly but surely dominating the mobile gaming market in terms of MOBAs (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena). Wild Rift is the mobile port of League of Legends, one of the most successful esports game of all time.

Wild Rift boasts a more refined mobile MOBA client that is as close to how League feels on PC. And some League of Legends player even says that the mobile version, Wild Rift is better. How?

โ— Easier to learn and play.

โ— Shorter game time.

โ— Faster game pace.

In League of Legends PC, you have to reach level 30 first before you can play your first rank game and that could take months considering that each match lasts for about 30 to 45 minutes. In Wild Rift, you just need to reach level 10 and each lasts for about 15 minutes.

It does not take too long to learn the game as Wild Rift has a smart aim assist that makes it easier to hit your champion’s abilities on your enemies. You don’t even have to aim, you simply have to push the buttons.

MOBAs can be scary to get into as it hard to learn, as in the PC version, and it might need a lot of grinding for the emblems, as in one of the most successful mobile MOBA. Wild Rift has solved both of this problem by making it easier to learn and removing the emblem grind system.

And did I already mention, it looks amazing for a mobile game. Even in lower specs, it is an eye candy.

One of the problems that plague mobile MOBA is balancing. But Wild Rift, in its regional beta stage is already way ahead of its competitors. As seen in, one of the largest guide website for Wild Rift, the Tier List does not have a C and D tier and they even added “+” tiers just to accurately depict the current landscape. This only means that Riot has been doing a great job balancing the game.

It’s a promising start to Wild Rift and it will only get better as they keep on adding new regions to release the game to and they are going full throttle on the esports scene of Wild Rift, already announcing the Wild Rift World Championship set to start at the end of 2021.

Wild Rift and mobile gaming is ready to dominate the gaming world, the only thing left is for you to download them and ride this awesome wave of new, high quality games!

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