Boot up and head to the tennis court near you because if you are lucky, Serena Williams might just ditch her stroll to the park to come play tennis with you.


This is what happened to two guys in San Francisco recently.

Current Australian Open winner was taking a stroll with her fiance and Reddit co-founder Alexis Ohanian and her dog Chip on Sunday night when they saw two people playing tennis. 

The tennis superstar chronicled the entire event for her Snapchat followers. As she walked towards the court, the men playing on the court recognised her and one of them said, "Oh my goodness! Is this for real?" reports SFGate.

Williams was offered a racket from one of them the game was on. Williams didn't even finish one set because she had preferred furry boots over her Nike kicks.

At the end of the video, Williams advised her followers not try this at home! 

"The moral of the story is that you never know when I’ll be coming to a tennis court near you," she said

Check out the video