In a sport like gymnastics, it is the judges who define when a performance is brilliant. At the Montreal Olympic Games in 1976, the unimaginable happened with a girl who was only 14 years old.


Nadia Comaneci's extraordinary execution on the uneven bars got her the perfect 10. She was the first person to ever be awarded the perfect score.

Now, 43 years later, she recreated the moves again. While all were happy seeing the gymnast still possess the skills, a boy in the video seemed to grab all the attention.

It was her son who photobombed her with his handstand.

Taking to Twitter to share the video, she wrote, "Here we go... 43 years later..July 18th 1976 Montreal ...First Perfect 10.....and my son photobomb handstand..."


Comaneci went on to record the perfect 10.0 six more times and became the youngest all-around Olympic gold medallist ever.