He may have finished second in the men's freestyle skiing slopestyle finals at the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympic Games on Thursday, but a day prior to that Gus Kenworthy was helping the town's abandoned stray dogs.


Via a series of tweets that included some cute pictures of the puppies, he found, the skier made the world aware of the condition stray dogs in Sochi who may or may not have been ordered exterminated ahead of the Olympics were in.

Here are the tweets,

Oh my glob, look who I just found! :) #sochistrays pic.twitter.com/ne66y7jN6Z

— Gus Kenworthy (@guskenworthy) February 11, 2014

puppy love is real to puppies. pic.twitter.com/krauCUPjOg

— Gus Kenworthy (@guskenworthy) February 11, 2014

Also, for the people wondering, I've lined up kennels 4 the pups & made vaccination appointments. Doing all I can to bring them home w/ me!

— Gus Kenworthy (@guskenworthy) February 12, 2014