A top health expert has tagged Tiger Woods a "sex addict" who needs immediate help.

David Smallwood, Addictions Manager at London's Priory clinic, believes the exposure of the golfer's affairs hint at his uncontrolled craving for sex.

"He displays a number of the pointers such as seeking highs from outdoor sex and having many mistresses," the News of the World quoted him as saying.

However, the expert who has provided service to a number of celebrities wishes to help Woods.

He said: "I would implore him to get help. But I see him as ill, not bad.

"All of the things Woods is alleged to have done point to him having a sex addiction.

"Outdoor sex is a way of creating excitement and going higher and higher.

"If you were snorting cocaine you would start off doing one line and end up doing five grams. The more sex he has the more he will want and the more outlandish he will try to make it.

"While he's been at the top of the golfing world, my guess is he wasn't having affairs.

"He then had a bad spell, some injuries and lost some tournaments.

"He won't be getting out of the sport what he used to and perhaps he is looking for something more extreme. Maybe he is looking for another outlet for his excitement."