The background of a high profile prostitute, Irma Nici, who claims to have bedded football ace David Beckham, has been exposed.She was born Irma Nezirovic, and is a former refugee who is said to have witnessed atrocities in a Bosnian internment camp, reports the Daily Mail.A pal has claimed Nici witnessed rape during the conflict that led to break-up of the former Yugoslavia. And the woman who employed her as an escort has alleged Nici made her claims only after a former boyfriend found a diary she kept detailing her life.Kristin Davis, 35, who hired Nici to work at Wicked Models, a Manhattan escort agency, said: “Irma told me she’s broken up with a British boyfriend who found a journal she kept about her life as a prostitute in Holland - where she’d grown up as a refugee - Britain and the US. “He threatened to call the Press and her mother. She didn’t believe him at first but then he called her mother, who had had a suspicion of what she was doing, but this was a former upper-class family of Muslims from Sarajevo, and her mother was very upset. Irma figured next thing it was all going to be in the Press.“She was under so much stress she says she had a stroke that tempor­arily paralysed the right side of her face and she ended up in hospital for 10 days in December 2009. When she came out, she decided to take matters into her own hands and made these allegations to the media,” Davis added.