Sri Lanka Cricket (SLC) has reacted cautiously to ICC’s suggestion that a team of players from different countries should play in Pakistan to help international cricket make a comeback in that country.


Pakistan has not played any international cricket at home as teams have preferred to stay away after the dreaded terrorist attack on the Sri Lankan team bus in Lahore in 2009.

ICC chief executive Haroon Lorgat suggested that an ICC XI should play in Pakistan. He said that this will help the game to make a comeback there. He added that the sport will lose its popularity if the national team keeps playing their home matches away.

However, the ones who went through the traumatic attack want Pakistan to get the game back but are not decided on the move by ICC.

“I have read what ICC is planning to do about Pakistan but we are not a part of it as of now,” said Nishantha Ranatunga, CEO of the Sri Lankan cricket board.“Only Pakistan can bring the game back to their country. It is they who have to take the initiative,” he said.

“They have to have a right structure in place. The government will have to take the responsibility of the safety of the players and it is they who can make the game in the country better. Let’s hope things become better.”

Sri Lanka is one of the three nations set to host the World Cup next year and Ranatunga is upbeat about preparations.

“We have three stadiums under development. Keeping the ICC guidelines in mind, we will be ready them November 15. Our aim is to win the World Cup first, have an excellent tournament that will also help us promote tourism in our country,” he said.

The board has invested approximately (Sri Lankan) Rs3 billion on infrastructure and they hope to recover the costs soon. “We have invested big money and are expecting to recover the costs. It is a long-term plan. We have been given the next World T20 Cup, then some other tournaments. We’ll have to come up with a marketing policy that would help us recover the cost,” he added.

On the absence of the crowds at the ground during the ongoing Tests between India and Sri Lanka, Ranatunga said that lack of spectators for the longer version of the game is a concern.

“People have no time while some watch Tests on television,” he said.“But the ICC is coming up with new strategies to make it more interesting like day-night cricket, use of different coloured balls and the like. Test cricket is the pinnacle of cricket and it will survive.”