A sports psychologist has said Tiger Woods is experiencing an "emotional letdown" that may take months of recovery."Tiger has always said when he's inside the ropes he can block out everything outside the ropes. But I think what we're seeing now is the emotional stress that he's under... the imminent divorce and with the kids' separation... I think it's taking a huge toll," the New York Daily News quoted Steinberg, as saying.According to the sports psychologist, death of a loved one is the No. 1 stress anyone can endure, followed by divorce."I think what's going on is he's under this immense stress and he doesn't appreciate it," Steinberg said."The biggest thing to buffer stress is a support system, and his support system has broken down. Basically he's emotionally crumbling. He's imploding and that's what we're seeing on the golf course."During his press conference on Tuesday, Woods acknowledged the difference between the period after the death of his father Earl in 2006 and the domestic turmoil brought on by his widespread infidelity."Off the golf course, it's been a lot more difficult. A lot of things have gone on, but in both instances it's about attaining balance and finding equilibrium, and that's certainly something that I've been trying to do," Woods was quoted, as saying.Steinberg also feels that Woods was prepared for the death of his father, who was ill for some time but that he was blind-sided by the scandal.