MELBOURNE: Australia's soccer team has turned to former cricket captain Steve Waugh for advice on dealing with tough conditions of the sub-continent as part of its preparations for next month's Asian Cup.

The Socceroos are wary of the heat and tough playing conditions that await them at the championship which starts next month.

The Aussies will be based in Bangkok initially and could play in Vietnam, Malaysia and Indonesia depending on their progress in the tournament.

Australian coach Graham Arnold met Waugh on Tuesday and sought to learn from his experience of playing in the sub-continent.

"It is something I have had in the back of the mind for some time now. We all know about Steve's character and determination and how he adapted to all sorts of conditions during his career," Arnold was quoted as saying by 'The Australian'.

"He was always fantastic in Pakistan and especially in India because he understood the culture and the conditions. He always embraced it rather than hid from it like some sportspeople tend to do when they are in a totally foreign and intimidating environment," he added.

Waugh has a close association with the sub-continent, especially India where he supports a charity for leprosy patients in Kolkata.