With the football World Cup in Brazil just a few months away, a video of a defender from the host country playing some brutal football has gone viral on social video sharing space, YouTube.


A 30 second video of Novo Hamburgo defender Luis Henrique lifting his leg to clear a ball and kicking Inter striker Rapinha in the chest in the process has gone viral.

Watch the video:

More shocking than the footage is the fact that Henrique did not get a card for the kick.

The shocking video brings back reminders of football at its worst that takes away from the game and its beauty.

Here's hoping we don't see any such brutality in the World Cup as fans all want to see the game played well.

Who can forget, Zidane headbutting Materazzi in extra time of the 2006 World Cup, hopefully the 2014 World Cup will have more wonderful football and less fights.